
My introduction into mechanics started back in 2015 when I purchased my very first vehicle… a bright red, sporty 1999 Pontiac Grand Am. While it ran, I soon discovered there were LOTS of hidden issues. With a new car, a new wife, and baby on the way I was determined to make it work and did my best to learn along the way and fix what I could.

A few years later as the family grew, we upgraded to a Suburban… which provided its own set of issues and challenges. I continued working my nine to five job, but I was discovering my true passion was with vehicles. I loved getting under them, diagnosing, and repairing them. Soon I started helping family and friends with their issues- learning all along the way.

In early 2019 my family moved across the country. It was in the fall of that year I decided to start my own vehicle repair business. Things took off quickly and I soon had a loyal clientele whom I serviced with a wide range of vehicles and issues. I was happy to provide mobile services and quickly found that the convenience of a mobile mechanic was often a huge deal to my customers.

A few years passed and some unexpected changes were on the horizon. In 2022 we relocated back to Maine and I immediately re-launched my auto repair business as an LLC. Since then, I have continued to grow my business and my knowledge. Kellogg’s Auto Repair now services both individual clients as well as small businesses.

At Kellogg’s Auto Repair, we strive to put customers and their vehicles first. When I first started working with vehicles, I realized they are often an extension of our personality. Vehicles are a tool, an investment, and often a necessary part of our daily lives. I love working on vehicles because when they are cared for and running smoothly, it makes the owner’s life better. While I love fixing and diagnosis crisis issues, I also enjoy the routine maintenance and just giving vehicles the TLC they deserve. I hope I can help you along your own vehicle journey.